Contact Fit Fur Life – Canine Rehabilitation Equipment Supplier

Whether you’re a veterinary professional, boarding kennel owner, dog trainer or simply a private owner, you’re sure to benefit from our state-of-the-art dog treadmills and Canidgait technology. Our canine rehabilitation equipment is ideal for both domestic and commercial settings, offering untold benefits for canine health and wellbeing.

To buy our products direct from us, you can visit our online store and take advantage of shipping direct to your door. To find out more before you buy, simply contact our friendly team in Surrey, United Kingdom.

Our contact details

Fit Fur Life Ltd
19 South Leys
United Kingdom
GU27 3LD

Tel: +44 (0)1428 652 088

Fit Fur Life Ltd, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 05619044.
VAT Registration Number GB850 9884 83.